Franken LeDrew Consulting
Welcome to Franken LeDrew Consulting (FLC). Over the years major concerns in human health and the health of the environment has grown rapidly. Corporations, Governments and organizations around the world have accepted the scientific reality that our planet is slowly decaying. Therefore, retreating from 'Green' initiatives is not an option.
In 1999, realizing the global transformation in the greening process, FLC started working within the jansan industry to develop a certification and auditing system supporting Green Initiative Programs. Officially launched in Sept.2001, FLC became the first independent third party certifying and auditing body in the industry. In order to make sure that third-party certification is credible, it is critical that the third-party be a recognized and reputable independent body and not an extension or subsidiary of the company requesting the certification. The principal values of a third-party certification are to provide a measure of program conformity, satisfy customer demands and sustain integrity while providing a vehicle to validate green cleaning programs.